Position Can Affect Raising in Real Money Texas Holdem Poker

The betting order for a Texas Holdem poker round can affect raising decisions

The position of a person at a table, i.e. whether they are one of the first or the last to act in a round of betting according to where the nominal dealer button is, will often have an effect upon a player's decision as to whether or not they should initiate a raise. The art of raising is a vital skill for any poker player to learn and is certainly important for those playing Texas Holdem poker for real money as not only can it win you a lot of money but it can also result in a player very quickly losing all of their chips and wiping out any gains already made during the poker session.

The article entitled "Why Is It Better to Act Last in Texas Hold Em Poker?" explained how acting last can be a distinct advantage to a player as it allows them to understand how many players are left contesting the pot and whether or not it is worth embarking on a strategy such as attempting to bluff the pot.

The Importance of Position When Raising

Deciding upon whether to raise can often depend more upon the player's position than it does on the strength of their cards. For example a player whose turn it is to act last in the betting round may decide that it is worth raising before the flop when only the big blind is left in due to it not making sense for them to fold as they have already put in the bet amount. By raising, this solitary opponent may decide to fold their possible weak hand rather than commit any more money into this venture. It may only be a small victory, but with only one other person putting money into the pot it is not really worth letting them stay in the hand to try and win more money from them as they may catch a superb fit for their two starting cards on the flop, turn and/or river.

What if an Oppenent Raises from an Early Position?

If an opponent at the table raises in an early position and before it is your turn to play, you have a tough decision to make as to whether you believe he or she is bluffing, or whether they actually do have a strong hand which is likely to beat yours in a showdown. Most of the time it would be wise to concede and take the view that they do have a strong hand, in which case it is best to "keep your powder dry" and save your chips to put behind a strong hand of your own in a later game. However there is also the possibility that this player is bluffing as they have determined that they can successfully get opponents into this mindset and get them to fold by simply raising, especially if these adversaries are fearful of a raise in poker. Urging on the side of caution maight be the most cash conservative approach, but with everyone likely to be thinking this way, only calling or raising with strong hands, it will be possible to fool and bluff others out of a pot. Just try and avoid doing it too often in a session against the same opponents though, as the smart, perceptive ones are likely to figure it out sooner or later!